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Power Supply for 15-20mW HeNe Laser, 230V

Stock #35-223 In Stock
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Product Details

  • Excellent Stability
  • Long Lifetime
  • Precise Alignment

Lasos Helium-Neon (HeNe) Lasers have a robust mechanical design, excellent beam quality and long service life of up to 30.000 hours. For ease of system integration Lasos HeNe lasers are designed with tough cylindrical housing that precisely aligns with the beam and provides great protection for the laser tube and internal electronics. Each module requires a specially designed turn-key power supply to provide low noise and high stability output. Lasos Helium-Neon (HeNe) Lasers are ideal for a wide range of demanding applications such as spectroscopy, metrology, industrial measurement or confocal laser scanning microscopy. These lasers are offered in both random and linear polarization, in a variety of milli-watt measurements.  
Note: Power Supply required for operation and sold separately.