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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

NIR I Coated Plano-Convex (PCX) Lenses


TECHSPEC® NIR I Coated Plano-Convex (PCX) Lenses have a positive focal length, making them ideal for collecting and focusing light in imaging applications. They are also useful in a variety of applications involving emitters, detectors, lasers, and fiber optics. TECHSPEC® NIR I Coated Plano-Convex (PCX) Lenses are available in a wide variety of diameters and focal lengths. Identical designs of these PCX lenses are also offered uncoated or with broadband anti-reflective (BBAR) coatings, which include MgF2, VIS 0°, VIS-NIR, NIR II, VIS-EXT, and YAG-BBAR.    

Common Specifications

Protective bevel as needed
NIR I (600-1050nm)
Wavelength Range (nm):
600 - 1050


Technical Information


Typical transmission of a 3mm thick, uncoated N-BK7 window across the UV - NIR spectra.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with MgF2 (400-700nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 1.75% @ 400 - 700nm (N-BK7)

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with VIS-EXT (350-700nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 0.5% @ 350 - 700nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with VIS-NIR (400-1000nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 880nm
Ravg ≤ 1.25% @ 400 - 870nm
Ravg ≤ 1.25% @ 890 - 1000nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with VIS 0° (425-675nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 0.4% @ 425 - 675nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with YAG-BBAR (500-1100nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 532nm
Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 1064nm
Ravg ≤ 1.0% @ 500 - 1100nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with NIR I (600 - 1050nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 0.5% @ 600 - 1050nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with NIR II (750 - 1550nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Rabs ≤ 1.5% @ 750 - 800nm
Rabs ≤ 1.0% @ 800 - 1550nm
Ravg ≤ 0.7% @ 750 - 1550nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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