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Search Results for: Multi-Element Tube System (386)

Why would I use a multi-element magnifier?

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Multi-Element Lens Design for Manufacturability Webinar

Designing a high-performance lens is only one part of an optical designer's job. The more elusive challenge is often in the tolerancing of that lens and in linking toleranced performance to as-built performance.

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Infinite Conjugate Tube Length

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Non-Circular Optics for System Miniaturization

Trimming the Fat: Truncating Lenses to Shrink Systems

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Using Tube Lenses with Infinity Corrected Objectives

Want to use an infinity corrected objective to make an image? You will need a tube lens to do it! Find out why and how it works at Edmund Optics.

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SM Lens Tube Drop-In Mounts from Edmund Optics

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Doubler Tube

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Tube Lens

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What is an "in-line" video system?

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Imaging System Parameter Calculator

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Key Parameters of a Laser System

Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.

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How to Align a Laser System

Join Chris Williams as he briefly explains the basics of how to align a laser system onto a target.

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Cathode Ray Tube

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Multi-Axis Translation Stage Configurations: Part I: X-Y Setup

Learn how to make repeatable adjustments in more than one direction for any demanding optics, imaging, or photonics application with this simple, three minute video.

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Introduction to the TECHSPEC Optical Cage System

Designed for modularity and flexibility, Edmund Optics' TECHSPEC Optical Cage System components are high precision alternatives to complex optical alignment systems.

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What is the difference between Primary Magnification and System Magnification?

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How to Assemble a 120i Microscope System

Learn how to assemble a microscope system using the award-winning Edmund Optics 120i Plan APO Infinity Corrected Objectives.

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System Throughput, f/#, and Numerical Aperture

When it comes to your lens, the f/# is one of the most important settings because it controls multiple parameters. Find out what the f/# controls at Edmund Optics.

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How does a schlieren testing system work?

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You have a variety of Mitutoyo Tube Lenses (MT-4, MT-1, and MT-2). How can you connect them to a Mitutoyo objective and C-mount camera?

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Multi-Axis Translation Stage Configurations: Part II: X-Y-Z Setup

Continuing from where Part I: X-Y Setup ends, learn how to add a Z-axis to an existing X-Y configuration to achieve three degrees of freedom.

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I have an MT-L Accessory Tube Lens but I am unsure about mounting it to my objective and C-Mount camera. Can you explain how it works?

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Do you have a simple prototyping assembly for an imaging system?

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What should I use to clean the lens element in an aspherized achromatic lens?

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I’m using the MT-1 Accessory Tube Lens and MT-1/MT-2 C-Mount Adapter. Two thin brass rings came with the adapter. How are they used?

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How I do select the correct testing target for my electronic imaging system (camera & lens)?

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How do I know what lens mount is best to use for my imaging or vision system?

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What is stray light and how will it affect my system?

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Tips to Maximize Your Machine Vision System - Spanish

Edmund Optics' experts discuss best practices for creating sophisticated, cost-effective imaging solutions. (Spanish Version)

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9 Tips to Maximize Your Machine Vision System

Edmund Optics' experts discuss best practices for creating sophisticated, cost-effective imaging solutions.

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