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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

Schmidt-Pechan Prisms

TECHSPEC® Pechan Prism

  • Provides Inline Image Rotation of 180°
  • Compact Design for OEM Integration
  • Air Spaced for Optimal Performance

TECHSPEC® Schmidt-Pechan Prisms leverage Edmund Optics' manufacturing expertise to deliver a precision inline instrumentation prism to rotate an image by 180 degrees. This image rotation is employed in many direct view applications and replaces a relay prism or lens system for a more compact optical train. Overall clarity of the system is ensured by adding both an anti-reflective and metallic coating to each prism. The TECHSPEC® Schmidt-Pechan Prisms feature 5 arcsecond roof angle tolerances to maintain image resolution.

Common Specifications

Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
VIS 0° & Aluminized
Surface Quality:
Image Orientation:
Coating Specification:
Entrance/Exit Faces: Ravg ≤0.4% @ 425 - 675nm
Roof: Ravg >85% @ 400 - 700nm w/Black Overpaint
Ray Deviation (°):
Wavelength Range (nm):
400 - 700
Ray Deviation Tolerance (arcmin):
Power (fringes) @ 632.8nm:
Irregularity (fringes) @ 632.8nm:


 Width (mm)   Height (mm)   Coating   Wavelength Range (nm)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
14.00 20.2 VIS 0° & Aluminized 400 - 700
29.00 50.45 VIS 0° & Aluminized 400 - 700

Technical Information

Schmidt-Pechan Prism Ray Path
Schmidt-Pechan Prism Ray Path
Schmidt-Pechan Prism Tunnel Diagram
Schmidt-Pechan Prism Tunnel Diagram