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Rhodium Coated First Surface Mirrors

Rhodium Coated First Surface Mirrors

  • Corrosion and Extreme Abrasion Resistant Rhodium Coating
  • High Reflectivity in the VIS and IR
  • Ideal for Orthodontic Applications

Common Specifications

Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Protective bevel as needed
Surface Flatness (P-V):
4 - 6λ
Float Glass
Surface Quality:
Coating Specification:
Ravg >70% @ 400 - 700nm
Ravg >90% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Rhodium (400-10000nm)
Coating Type:
Wavelength Range (nm):
400 - 10000
Coating Abrasion:
Severe, per MIL-C-675C Paragraph
Coating Adhesion:
MIL-PRF-13830B, App B Para. 4.4.6


Dia. (mm)  Surface Flatness (P-V)   Dimensions (mm)   Coating Specification   Coating   Thickness (mm)   Compare  Stock Number  Price Buy
12.50 4 - 6λ - Ravg >70% @ 400 - 700nm
Ravg >90% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Rhodium (400-10000nm) 2.00
- 4 - 6λ 12.5 x 12.5 Ravg >70% @ 400 - 700nm
Ravg >90% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Rhodium (400-10000nm) 2.00
25.00 4 - 6λ - Ravg >70% @ 400 - 700nm
Ravg >90% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Rhodium (400-10000nm) 2.00
- 4 - 6λ 25.0 x 25.0 Ravg >70% @ 400 - 700nm
Ravg >90% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Rhodium (400-10000nm) 2.00
50.00 4 - 6λ - Ravg >70% @ 400 - 700nm
Ravg >90% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Rhodium (400-10000nm) 3.00
- 4 - 6λ 50.0 x 50.0 Ravg >70% @ 400 - 700nm
Ravg >90% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Rhodium (400-10000nm) 3.00
75.00 4 - 6λ - Ravg >70% @ 400 - 700nm
Ravg >90% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Rhodium (400-10000nm) 3.00
- 4 - 6λ 75.0 x 75.0 Ravg >70% @ 400 - 700nm
Ravg >90% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Rhodium (400-10000nm) 3.00

Product Details

Rhodium Coated First Surface Mirrors provide high reflectivity and are ideal for orthodontic applications, especially in intra-oral photography. These mirrors feature a rhodium coating, which is an element notably resistant to corrosion and aggressive chemicals and passes severe abrasion tests as per MIL-C-675C. Rhodium Coated First Surface Mirrors utilize a float glass substrate which enables easy customization and provides excellent cost to performance ratio. They are available in standard metric sizes, with either circular or square geometries.

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