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Low Cost Laser Line Mirrors

  • >97% Reflectivity at Design Wavelength
  • Up to λ/10 Surface Accuracy
  • Excellent Cost to Performance Ratio
  • Designs for Nd:YAG, Yb:YAG, and Diode Lasers

Low Cost Laser Line Mirrors are ideal for optical systems requiring cost-effective laser mirrors that do not compromise on performance. These mirrors feature N-BK7 or fused silica substrates, 20-10 surface quality, and up to λ/10 surface accuracy. With most mirrors providing >99% reflectance at their design wavelength, these mirrors are an ideal replacement for metallic coated mirrors in laser optical systems that require mirrors with higher reflectivity and higher laser damage thresholds. Low Cost Laser Line Mirrors are designed for either a 0° or 45° angle of incidence with coating options for Nd:YAG (266nm, 355nm, 532nm, 1064nm), Yb:YAG (515nm, 1030nm), or diode (488nm, 808nm, 850nm, 980nm) lasers.

Common Specifications

Parallelism (arcmin):
Back Surface:
Commercial Polish
Thickness (mm):
6.35 ±0.2
Surface Quality:
Reflection at DWL (%):
Surface Flatness (P-V):
Coating Type:


DWL (nm) Dia. (mm)  Thickness (mm)  AOI (°)  Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
488 25.40 6.35 0
515 25.40 6.35 0
532 12.70 6.35 0
532 25.40 6.35 0
808 25.40 6.35 0
850 25.40 6.35 0
980 25.40 6.35 0
1030 25.40 6.35 0
1064 12.70 6.35 0
1064 25.40 6.35 0
488 25.40 6.35 45
515 25.40 6.35 45
532 25.40 6.35 45
808 25.40 6.35 45
850 25.40 6.35 45
980 25.40 6.35 45
1030 25.40 6.35 45
1064 25.40 6.35 45

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