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Acktar Blackened Pinholes

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Acktar Blackened Pinholes (mounted)

Acktar Blackened Pinholes (mounted) Acktar Blackened Pinholes	(unmounted) Acktar Blackened Pinhole compared to an uncoated steel pinhole
  • Low Reflectance from the EUV to SWIR
  • 99% Absorbance Blackening Coating
  • Aperture Sizes from 20 to 1000μm
  • Available Unmounted and Mounted

Acktar Blackened Pinholes feature Acktar Magic Black™ blackening coating that provides wide-band low reflectance from the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to the short-wave infrared (SWIR). This coating provides near zero outgassing and can be used in temperatures up to 380°C. Acktar Blackened Pinholes are coated on both sides, including the pinhole edge, and are available either unmounted or mounted in a 25mm mount for easy integration into optical systems. These stainless steel substrate pinholes are ideal for spatial filtering applications requiring low back reflection and scattering from light sources.

Note: Please contact us for custom aperture options.

Common Specifications

Stainless Steel
Absorbance (%):


 Type   Outer Diameter (mm)   Construction   Fixed Aperture Diameter (μm)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 20
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 25
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 50
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 75
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 100
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 150
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 200
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 300
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 400
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 500
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 600
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 800
Unmounted 9.53 Stainless Steel 1000
Mounted 12.7 Stainless Steel 25
Mounted 12.7 Stainless Steel 50
Mounted 12.7 Stainless Steel 75
Mounted 12.7 Stainless Steel 100
Mounted 12.7 Stainless Steel 150
Mounted 12.7 Stainless Steel 200
Mounted 12.7 Stainless Steel 300
Mounted 12.7 Stainless Steel 500
Mounted 12.7 Stainless Steel 1000
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 20
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 25
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 50
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 75
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 100
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 150
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 200
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 300
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 400
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 500
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 600
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 800
Mounted 25.0 Stainless Steel 1000

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