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Olympus Water Immersion Objectives

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Olympus Water Immersion Objectives

Olympus Water Immersion Objectives Olympus UMPLFLN 10XW Objective, #34-555 Olympus UMPLFLN 20XW Objective, #34-556 Olympus LUMPLFLN 40XW Objective, #34-557
  • Water Immersion Objectives with Excellent DIC and Fluorescence
  • Displays Flat Images From High Transmission Factors up to the Near-Infrared Region of the Spectrum
  • Ideal for Fluorescence Imaging of Tissue and Specimens, such as Brain Tissue
  • Magnification Ranges from 10X to 60X

Olympus Water Immersion Objectives offer low to high magnification with extremely high numerical apertures and long working distances. By using water in place of oil, you can effectively overcome common problems with aberrations. Similar to oil immersion objectives, these water immersion objectives are useful for thinly cut tissue sections and living cell imaging, along with other neuroscience applications. Olympus Water Immersion Objectives feature excellent transmission in the IR region, making these lenses are suitable for IR-DIC and fluorescence applications. High numerical apertures also provide superb image quality in combination with most confocal laser microscopes.


Technical Information

  Stock # A B C D E F
UMPLFLN 10XW #34-555 41.5 9.7 7 15.7 21 4.5
UMPLFLN 20XW #34-556 41.5 9.7 7 15.7 21 4.5
LUMPLFLN 40XW #34-557 41.7 9.9 7.2 15.8 21 4.5